Straight Single Quotes Microsoft Word Mac

straight and curly quotesAlways use curly quotesStraight single quotes microsoft word mac free

2020-3-2  straight and curly quotes Always use curly quotes. Straight quotes are the two generic ver­ti­cal quo­ta­tion marks lo­cated near the re­turn key: the straight sin­gle quote (') and the straight dou­ble quote ('). Curly quotes are the quo­ta­tion marks used in good ty­pog­ra­phy. Mar 01, 2017 How to change smart or curly quotes to straight quotes in Microsoft Word Click the File tab in the top-left corner of the Word screen. Click Options at the very bottom of the vertical list of.

Straight quotes are the two generic ver­ti­cal quo­ta­tion marks lo­cated near the re­turn key: the straight sin­gle quote (') and the straight dou­ble quote (').

Curly quotes are the quo­ta­tion marks used in good ty­pog­ra­phy. There are four curly quote char­ac­ters: the open­ing sin­gle quote (), the clos­ing sin­gle quote (), the open­ing dou­ble quote (), and the clos­ing dou­ble quote ().

Win­dows To use the alt codes, hold down the alt key and type the four-digit char­ac­ter code on your nu­meric key­pad (num lock must be activated).

Mac OS Where mul­ti­ple keys are listed, type them simultaneously.

WindowsMac OSHTML
'straight single quote'''
'straight double quote'''
opening single quotealt 0145option + ]‘
closing single quotealt 0146option + shift + ]’
opening double quotealt 0147option + [“
closing double quotealt 0148option + shift + [”

Most bad habits en­demic to dig­i­tal ty­pog­ra­phy are for­mer type­writer habits. They arose from ne­ces­sity, not be­cause any­one liked them. Af­ter all, were type­writ­ers ever used to type­set books, mag­a­zines, or news­pa­pers? Nope.

Straight quotes are a type­writer habit. In tra­di­tional print­ing, all quo­ta­tion marks were curly. But type­writer char­ac­ter sets were lim­ited by me­chan­i­cal con­straints and phys­i­cal space. By re­plac­ing the curly open­ing and clos­ing quotes with am­bidex­trous straight quotes, two slots be­came avail­able for other characters.

Word proces­sors are not lim­ited in this way. You can al­ways get curly quotes. Com­pared to straight quotes, curly quotes are more leg­i­ble on the page and match the other char­ac­ters bet­ter. There­fore, straight quotes should never, ever ap­pear in your documents.

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'That's a 'magic' shoe.'wrong
That’s a magic’ shoe.”right
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See foot and inch marks for the one ex­cep­tion to this rule.

Straight Single Quotes Microsoft Word Macbook Pro

For­tu­nately, avoid­ing straight quotes is easy: use your word proces­sor’s smart-quote fea­ture, which will sub­sti­tute curly quotes au­to­mat­i­cally. Smart quotes are typ­i­cally turned on by default.

WordFileOptionsProofingAutoCorrect OptionsAutoFormat As You Type → check or uncheck 'Straight Quotes' with Smart Quotes”

Mac OS WordWordPreferencesAutoCorrectAutoFormat As You Type → check or uncheck 'Straight Quotation Marks' with Smart Quotation Marks”

PagesEditSubstitutions → check or uncheck Smart Quotes

Smart-quote sub­sti­tu­tion has been built into word proces­sors for nearly 30 years. That’s why straight quotes are one of the most griev­ous and in­ept ty­po­graphic errors.

When you paste or im­port text with straight quotes in it, your word proces­sor may not al­ways con­vert the straight quotes prop­erly. Fix them.

One caveat: if you’ve cor­rected any apos­tro­phes that ap­pear at the start of a word (Patent ’211, ’70s rock), this tip will goof them up again. So fix the quotes first, then the apostrophes.

  1. Use the search-and-re­place func­tion to search for all in­stances of the straight sin­gle quote (') and re­place it with the same char­ac­ter—a straight sin­gle quote (').

    2018-8-5  Students and educators at eligible institutions can sign up for Office 365 Education for free, including Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, and now Microsoft Teams, plus additional classroom tools. Use your valid school email address to get started today. Office 365 works like you: everywhere. 2020-3-19  I have recently downloaded the Microsoft Office Free Student download. I have a Mac and when it was done downloading i tried to test out word and it stated that my Microsoft account was 'view only' and that i could not edit. What must I do to be able to use word?

  2. Use the search-and-re­place func­tion to search for all in­stances of the straight dou­ble quote (') and re­place it with the same char­ac­ter—a straight dou­ble quote (').

Be­fore you say “that won’t do any­thing”, try it. When your word proces­sor re­places each quo­ta­tion mark, it also per­forms the straight-to-curly conversion.

You can also en­ter curly quotes into HTML doc­u­ments us­ing the key short­cuts above. They’re non-ASCII glyphs, how­ever, so you need to spec­ify a non-ASCII en­cod­ing for the file (like UTF‑8), oth­er­wise they’ll get gar­bled on decode.

HTML & CSS have no au­to­matic fa­cil­ity for con­vert­ing straight quotes to curly. But in­sert­ing these char­ac­ters us­ing HTML es­cape codes is dreary.

If you use a CMS like Word­Press, plu­g­ins are avail­able that han­dle this au­to­mat­i­cally. There are also Java­Script-based con­vert­ers that work in the browser. If you’re tempted to write your own straight-to-curly con­verter, re­con­sider—the good ones cover tricky edge cases that you’re apt to miss on your own.

Straight Single Quotes Microsoft Word Mac Free

Straight Single Quotes Microsoft Word Mac

An­other op­tion is to use the lit­tle-known q tag, which au­to­mat­i­cally ap­pends curly quotes to the en­closed el­e­ments. So <q>Hello</q> ren­ders as Hello. Two caveats. First, a par­ent el­e­ment (like html) must have a lang at­tribute (like lang='en') so the q tag knows what kind of curly quotes to use. Sec­ond, this change in markup re­moves the quote marks from the char­ac­ter stream, and doesn’t help with apos­tro­phes, so it may be a long drive for a short day at the beach.

Quotation Marks

  • Straight quotes are ac­cept­able in email. It’s hard to see the dif­fer­ence be­tween straight and curly quotes on screen at small sizes. And if you’re typ­ing with thumbs on a smart­phone, it can be ir­ra­tionally dif­fi­cult to in­sert them.

  • Some older dig­i­tal doc­u­ments are stored with dou­ble quotes made of two sin­gle quotes (' ') or two grave ac­cents (``). (The grave ac­cent, also some­times called a back­tick, is that char­ac­ter above the tab key you’ve never used.) These can be fixed by adapt­ing the search-and-re­place tech­nique de­scribed above.

  • Don’t use quo­ta­tion marks for em­pha­sis. Use bold or italic.

  • Quo­ta­tion marks are an area of vast ty­po­graphic di­ver­sity among other lan­guages—both the glyphs used and how they’re spaced. Microsoft sculpt comfort mouse mac os x. Now you know why quote-curl­ing al­go­rithms have to be smart.

  • Con­fi­den­tial to com­puter sci­en­tists and doc­u­men­ta­tion writ­ers: straight quotes and back­ticks in soft­ware code should never be con­verted to curly quotes. Those marks are, of course, part of the code syn­tax and must be re­pro­duced lit­er­ally. In par­tic­u­lar, though fans of La­TeX have of­ten writ­ten me to trum­pet its type­set­ting su­pe­ri­or­ity, I’ve never seen any La­TeX-cre­ated doc­u­men­ta­tion that’s got­ten this right.